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October 25, 2024

3 Myths (and 4 tips) about content marketing for real estate [Free download]

Say “content marketing” to an average real estate agent and you’ll get a blank stare.

Then say “blogging” and you’ll see that blank stare change into pure fear. Why is blogging such a scary thing?

Well, it’s not just real estate agents that get scared for starters. Truth is, most real estate agents want to help people buy and sell homes, not write blog posts and think about content marketing. But the Harvard Business Review notes that, “brands are no longer merely peddling products; they’re producing, unearthing, and distributing information. And because they do, the corporation becomes not just economically important to society, but intellectually essential as well.” And studies show that 70% of people say they’d rather learn about products through content rather than through traditional advertising. And they do that through strategic blogging by brands, aka content marketing.

(“But wait,” you say. “Doesn’t Adwerx offer digital advertising? Aren’t you shooting yourself in the foot if you say I don’t need it?” Don’t get us wrong: digital advertising is a critical part of an overall marketing strategy. But content is also part of that strategy!)

Here’s the really cool thing about content marketing: anyone can do it. You don’t have to be a massive corporate entity. And because you’re here on the Adwerx blog, we are pretty sure you aren’t. You just need a little time and organization. So take a deep breath, have a sip of water and let’s explore this beast called content marketing through some common myths and some easy to act-on tips.

3 myths about content marketing for real estate:

  1. You have to write every day. Heck no. Publish something new on your site once a week. The rest of the time, your content marketing efforts can be focused on social media, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or all of the above. (For a bird’s eye view of these, read our post “Social Media for Real Estate: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”)
  2. You have to write long essays. Again, heck no. While average people researching online want more information, they want it in digestible chunks. Two to three paragraphs is fine. If the spirit moves you, and you create a multi-page novelette, go back in and edit. Or better yet, chunk it up into Part 1 and Part 2!
  3. You need to be an expert on SEO. Understanding SEO is a good thing. But being an expert on it isn’t your job. Your job is to help people buy and sell homes. Just writing good content that is specific to the areas you serve is a great way to embrace SEO.

4 tips to start content marketing for real estate:

  1. Write about what makes you unique. If you did some branding work based on our last post, go back to it and find what you identified as your USP. What is your expertise? Which parts of the real estate transaction really let you shine? Get that into your posts.
  2. Write about what makes you real. Include non-real estate topics. Did you find a great local restaurant? Did you recently adopt a dog? Share. It makes you relatable, reliable and a truly local resource.
  3. Write for a specific person. If you used the persona worksheet from our post, “Brand Building Basics for Real Estate,” you have a very detailed view of who you want to work for. Look at the list of needs you identified and write content aimed to address that.
  4. Write with a calendar. It always helps to have a plan. We created a simple spreadsheet you can use as a calendar to plan you content marketing in real estate. Pencil in the easy posts: national holidays, big local events and even personal anniversaries. Now go back in and spread out one post a week using the three previous tips.

Download the 2016 Sample Editorial Calendar for Real Estate Content Marketing

2016 sample blog editorial calendar for real estate
Click to download
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