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Expand Your Reach and Grow your Business with Video

Easily showcase listings, stay in front of your sphere, or reach potential new clients for as little as $49.98 per month

Fill out the form below to get started

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By submitting your email you agree that Adwerx may send you promotional email messages. For further information, please consult our Privacy Policy.

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Have a Video Ready?

Simply upload your video, add a landing page URL, and you are good to go! A great way to get more exposure for your brand.

Have a Video But Need to Add Info?

Upload a video and easily add contact info via one of our easy-to-use frames. Perfect for listings and brand advertising.

No Video?

No problem. Simply upload a few pictures, add your contact info, and Adwerx will create a great video for you in seconds. Perfect for listings!

Reach New Clients Where They Spend Time

Advertise on Facebook, Instagram and on thousands of websites and mobile apps
See a list of sample sites
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Three Ways to Leverage Video To Build Your Business

Promote Your Listings
Easily showcase your listings within your local area or to your sphere.
Create awareness for properties and impress your sellers.
Build Your Brand
Establish yourself as the go-to real estate expert for local buyers & sellers in your area using your video content.
Stay Top-of-Mind
Easily maintain regular engagement with your database using your own custom video content.
Get Started

How It Works


Select Your Campaign Targeting

Utilize video for multiple campaign types, whether you’re looking to target consumers by zip code or follow your referral network with sphere of influence targeting.


 Build Your Video

Our video tool is our most flexible ad product. Users have the option to upload their own finished video, add overlay elements to a raw video file, or upload images to create a video slideshow from scratch.


Customize Your Impression Count

Choose the number of impressions you want to purchase. Our scalable pricing model allows you to choose how often consumers are exposed to your brand.


Choose your Campaign Length

Adwerx offers monthly, quarterly, and yearly campaign options.


Launch Your Campaign

Update your ad design, update contacts, or change your video directly from your Adwerx account any time during the duration of your campaign, and get weekly or daily reports detailing your campaign’s performance.

Get Started

How often do you want people to see your ad?

Our scalable pricing model allows you to choose how often your audience is exposed to your brand

Impressions Per Month

Your ad will be approved and start running in about one business day.

Get Started

Ready to get started?

Firms Looking for Enterprise Solutions

Equip your producers with intuitive advertising tools

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Top Performing Producers and Teams Looking to Level Up

Reach prospective clients and strengthen your existing relationships

View Packages

Individuals Looking to Build Your Brand Online

Launch a personalized digital ad to grow your business

Create an Ad