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Adwerx Integrations

Connect with us today to explore integration solutions and let's start growing together

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Adwerx Automation takes powerful integrations further with leading partners

Adwerx makes digital advertising automation go further for customers by integrating with industry-leading software and technology vendors to automate workflows, eliminate manual work, and help enterprise teams be more productive.

To discuss a collaboration with Adwerx, set up an exploratory call and see how we can build the future of advertising automation together.

Contact Us
Why work with Adwerx?

Expose your brand to 500+ leading enterprises


Connect with high-profile brands from enterprises across a variety of vertical segments


Get more eyes on your website through co-marketing initiatives that drive traffic to your page


Serving over 500 active customers, being integrated with Adwerx helps your business grow

why work with adwerx photo

A collaboration that benefits you

Unified & Secure

Adwerx keeps data safe and encrypted while making it easily accessible for customers to run best-practice ad campaigns.

Streamlined solutions

We work with your team to handle all aspects of the integration and set up co-marketing campaigns to get the word out.

No additional cost

Adwerx does not currently charge for inclusion in our integrations program. Each provider is evaluated for quality of product and fit.

You're in good company

Trusted by industry-leading software and technology vendors

Current Partnerships

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CRM Platforms
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