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Quick Tips
February 28, 2025

5 Online Real Estate Marketing Tips for Agents

Your buyers are out there, and they’re searching online. Will they find you in the search? The National Association of REALTORS estimates 92% of home buyers used the Internet during the house-hunting process for information and research. Your online real estate marketing strategy will help you open doors to new clients, and to help your clients open the doors to their new home.

If you’re intimidated by the thought of creating an online presence, we’re here to help. Here are 5 tips to help you build a winning real estate online marketing strategy.

To be successful in your online real estate marketing techniques, you need more than just a website. Just like you mastered your handshake and your demeanor as a REALTOR, you also need to cultivate your online presence: how your customers see you online and interact with you. Let’s walk you through the steps you’ll need to get your online real estate business booming.

5 Rules | Online Real Estate Marketing Tips

Here are five things every real estate agent should know about online marketing:

  1. Location, Location, Location. It’s not just for beachfront or downtown properties. Google is regularly updating their algorithm. This most recent change puts more emphasis on local results, which could help your business in a significant way. Check out how Neil Patel Search Engine Land suggests you turn this change into money in the bank. Mention your neighborhood, be a local expert. See how agent Mark Slade did it in his hometown.
  2. Be mobile friendly. The latest major update Google made to its algorithm gives a rankings boost to websites that are mobile-friendly. So make sure your site is optimized for use on smartphones and tablets. Most people use their phones and tablets more than their home computers. If your site doesn’t work with their mobile device, they may not remember to check again at home later. And don’t forget about advertising in mobile apps. From Facebook the weather apps to games, mobile ads are an easy way to build brand awareness and reach an audience that is devoted to its device.
  3. You have an audience – act like it. Talk to the people viewing your website as though they were in the room with you. Use your unique voice in the design of your site. Post blogs about your real estate tips for the specific buyers and sellers you want to work with. This way, your site moves from being a flyer for your real estate business to a conversation about how you can help your customers based on their specific needs.
  4. Be social, no filter. Social media has gone from a place to post food pics to a marketing powerhouse. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest should help to boost your website and your real estate marketing efforts. In fact, Instagram is now opening up its photo feed for advertisers. If you can summarize your REALTOR expertise in a quick post, photo, or video with some brief info, and you can attract new customers like never before. This lets potential buyers know you’re up on the latest trends and creates “top of mind awareness” like never before. We have a handy social media primer for you.
  5. Bring in the pros. If you’re thinking that you’d rather sell real estate than navigate Facebook, that’s ok. You can still take advantage of all that because having an online presence is important. Companies like Adwerx specialize in optimizing online marketing for real estate agents and companies alike. Investing in a specialist is investing in your business, and can free you up to focus on what you’re trained to do: sell real estate.

Practice makes perfect. So the more you practice these five steps, as a result the more your real estate business will grow. Your website and online marketing efforts won’t go unnoticed, and more customers could be just a click away.

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