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Case Studies
February 28, 2025

Adwerx Case Study: Amy Youngren of North Group, Canada

Industry: Real Estate
Products: Sphere Ads
Customer Name: Amy Youngren
Brokerage/Business Name: North Group, Canada

“Adwerx is all about exposure marketing. It’s hard to put an ROI on the value of being everywhere online!”

For years, real estate agents in Canada have asked if Adwerx would work for them. As of 2017, the answer is yes.

One of the first agents to try it out was Amy Youngren, Co-Founder and Partner of North Group in Toronto. The North Group team represented a tech-savvy use case. Amy and her team put out slick digital creative for listings, open houses and sale announcements. They have daily postings and feature giveaways and other engagement-driven activities on their Facebook page.

Amy Youngren Urban Lifestyles Group Canada Real Estate Adwerx Case Study

That meant they already had significant database to start with, so they wanted to choose the Sphere ads. The results were fun.

“I got random text messages from people who saw my ad,” Amy said.

Amy and team tested two ad concepts: one with a testimonial message and one with Amy’s headshot. The photo of Amy out-performed the testimonial concept by 2 to 1.

It’s no wonder when you consider that sphere marketing is all about the relationship. And when people see someone they know online, it’s a validation of that relationship.

Amy is a sought-after speaker for her guidance on using video for real estate marketing. As Curyator reported, “The engaging, creative videos she produces for all her team’s listings have done more than raise her industry profile; they’ve propelled her business, helping to double her team’s listing inventory, triple the number of incoming referrals, and generate a ton of buyer leads.”


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