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Thought Leadership
October 25, 2024

David Greenspan: how mindshare equals market share for real estate agents

Sit down with David Greenspan and he’s going to talk to you about your retirement plan.

But he’s not a financial advisor. He’s from KiTS, a powerful marketing system that uses Variable Data Printing.

KiTS stands for Keep in Touch Systems, a platform run by WAM Interactive. And when real estate agents come to him to learn about his product, he wants to learn about them first.

“First thing I do is find out what their needs are,” said David. He wants to know where they are in their business. He asks what group they are focusing on. And he wants to know what strategy is already in place — if any.

While not an agent himself, David did grow up in a broker’s office, hanging out with his father

Only then does David start talking about the tools that KiTS offers.

It’s an oversimplification to say that KiTS is a newsletter system. In fact, it’s a highly customizable system of communications that is built on hundreds of pieces of variable data, all designed to create a piece of content that can be regularly delivered in a personalized — but automated — way.

“It’s beyond paper newsletters of variable data. Now it’s a cross-channel marketing platform,” David described.

“Marketing used to be one size fits all,” he said. Then it became regionally specific, using geographics to customize. Then came VDP, or Variable Data Publishing. “It’s the truest form of one to one marketing. It’s not just demographics but it’s psychographics.”

Which is why David focuses more on education than actual sales. And that education is built around a concept he refers to as “mindshare.” At Adwerx, we are big believers in the power of branding and the efficacy of advertising to build that brand. The KiTS philosophy is the same — it’s not enough to do one tactic to build your real estate brand. You should be everywhere, in every channel.

“You might have great videos, and the best Facebook posts, and you write a super email. But just because you put it out there, doesn’t mean anybody is going to see it. They need to think about you when that moment comes.”

That moment is what all that branding work is for — building up the familiarity that comes with repetition and consistency. That familiarity that takes hold of buyers and sellers in the form of mindshare, so what when their neighbor asks about an agent or they themselves start to think about buying or selling, you are the agent they think of first.

But you can’t capture that mindshare with on Facebook post, one YouTube video and an email. It’s an investment in time more than anything.

As David said, “You have to plant the seeds today to get there tomorrow.”

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