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Quick Tips
October 25, 2024

Digital ads for real estate and oil changes: what do they have in common?

Real estate agents rely on their cars. “Which tools to track mileage?” is one of the most common questions in forums and groups. But when it comes to taking care of their cars, what do most agents do? And how does this relate to digital ads?

Truth is, we have no idea. Some agents might want to change their oil themselves. They might want to check their own tire pressure and windshield wiper fluid. They certainly can. And if you don’t already know how to do all these things, you can learn.

Which brings us from oil changes to digital ads for real estate. (Stay with us, now.)

There is no question whatsoever that digital matters for real estate. 90% of home buyers and sellers go online when even considering a move. That’s NAR’s data, not ours. It’s understood that the web is the number one source for all things real estate. So it’s a no-brainer that real estate professionals are marketing their business where the business lives: the web.

But how they do it varies. Some want to put up a website and have done with it. And that’s okay.

Others want to get in it up to their elbows, so to speak. They want to create their own Google AdWords account and bid on keywords and local terms that will capture the search traffic they want. They want to design their own Facebook audiences and configure their own retargeting and create their own digital ads with imagery and messaging of their own.

And that’s okay, too!

But there is a third group. The group that believes in all that digital ads can do for a real estate professional but has made the decision to focus on the real estate part. These are the same types of people who understand that regular care maintenance is a must, but trust a professional to change their oil and rotate their tires.

They’ll pay a bit more for the service. But when that extra cost is factored into the time and effort it saves you, getting you back on the road as a real estate agent, is it really an extra cost?

Digital advertising is the same. Having a company like Adwerx create and run a digital campaign for you is a way of automating something you understand to be valuable, but you do not want to sacrifice the time and energy it will take to do it yourself.

Adwerx does make digital advertising for real estate easy.

Want to build awareness with people you don’t know yet? Use the Brand ads by Zip code.

Want to stay top of mind with people you already know? Use the Sphere ads and upload your list.

Want to win listings and keep sellers happy? Use the Listing ads.

Digital ads are just like oil changes. You could do it yourself. But should you?

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