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Quick Tips
February 28, 2025

Land your next listing with this free digital listing ad flyer

How can you stand out in your next listing presentation?

Simple. Tell the seller, “I can put your home on The New York Times. And ESPN. And thousands of major web sites.”

Every real estate agent will promise to put the home on the MLS. And just about every real estate agent will send out ‘Just Listed’ postcards. But we live in a digital world. All eyes are on screens. So tell the seller you will put the property where the buyers are: all over the web, in mobile apps, and on Facebook!

Print this free digital listing flyer and bring it to your next listing presentation.

Adwerx Digital Listing Ad Flyer for Real Estate Presentation
Click to download the flyer

Then explain to the seller how digital ads work:

  1. The ad is shown to people in select cities or within 15 miles of the listing.
  2. The ad is shown to people who are already browsing for real estate.
  3. You will get a regular report on how your ad is performing.
  4. Anyone who clicks on the ad will be retargeted, seeing the ad even more often.

Of course, your seller will be retargeted too, so whenever she is online, she’ll see her home. And a weekly report email will remind her of how hard you’re working!

If you’re already an Adwerx customer, you have this flyer in your dashboard.

You can even brand it with your photo. Simply log in and look for the Quick Links section.

Adwerx quick links dashboard view for listing flyer

It’s a competitive market out there. Every little differentiator counts. Show your sellers that you are the real estate agent that gets digital advertising!

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