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Thought Leadership
February 28, 2025

Put new leads into your digital campaign with this simple email trick

Stay in front of contacts with our Quick Adder tool for Custom Audience ads

Adwerx quick adder sphere campaign digital ad

It’s happened to you. You’re at a neighborhood party or a baby shower. Maybe a networking event and someone hands you their business card because they’re interested in your professional services.

How do you stay top-of-mind with that new contact and potential lead?

If you’re an Adwerx customer, it’s easy! You simply email your own Custom Audience campaign with your Quick Adder™ address.

You’ll automatically add the contact to your digital ad campaign that will follow them around on Facebook, hundreds of websites and in mobile apps, reminding them you’re the local expert they should talk to when the time comes to move or refinance.

Staying in front of new leads has never been easier.

Custom Audience ads from Adwerx are already a smart and simple way to automate one of your nurture tactics and stay in front of your sphere of influence. These digital ads remind people you already know that you’re their trusted professional and you already have a relationship.

Now as you meet new people, our Quick Adder technology allows you to add them to your existing campaign by simply sending an email.  

How does it work?

Each Custom Audience campaign has a unique Quick Adder email address associated with it. You can find the address under the campaign details for your ad. Need help finding your campaign’s unique email address? Read this help article.

There are three ways you can use the Quick Adder address to add contacts to your campaign:

1. Send an email directly to your Quick Adder address

Simply send an email to your Quick Adder address and include your new contacts’ email addresses in the body of your email. Hit send, and those contacts will be automatically added to your Sphere Campaign.

2. Include your Quick Adder address in the BCC: field of your emails

Let’s say you decide to send an email to the potential lead you just met. Compose your email as usual but add your Quick Adder address in the ‘BCC’ field. The recipient(s) of your email will be added to your Sphere campaign.

3. Include your Quick Adder address in your calendar invites

Add invitees from your calendar events to your Sphere Campaign by inviting your Quick Adder address as well.

Adwerx Quick Adder for Sphere Ad Campaigns

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