May 29, 2020

T3 Sixty Case Study: Agents Win 35% More Listings With Adwerx Automated Advertising

It’s notoriously difficult to measure ROI on brand advertising, so it’s often challenging to quantify the value that the Adwerx Automation Platform brings to agents. In a newly released study from T3 Sixty, one of the industry’s leading management consultancy and research firms, data reveals that real estate agents whose firms provided the Adwerx Listing Ad Automation Platform saw a 35% improvement in productivity versus their peers who did not receive the advertising. Engagement with the Adwerx Platform was also explored to determine how agents’ interaction with the technology affects their productivity.

You can access the full study here, but in this post we’re going to break the numbers into bite-sized pieces.

quote from Travis Saxton, SVP, Technology Consulting at T3 Sixty on how agents win more listings with Adwerx.

Case Study Takeaways:


  • Study sample included over 30,000 agents from various firms, business models, and geographic areas.
  • Study compared listing performance of those who received Adwerx Automated Listing Ads to those who did not.
  • Results were measured by the change in year-over-year listing volume.
  • Information was gathered over a two year period and the results were statistically significant.


  • Agents receiving Adwerx Automated Listing Ads increased their YOY listing count 35.8% more than agents without.
  • Top agents who win 51+ listings per year, saw an increase of 10 additional listings.
  • For those agents who receive Adwerx advertising, listing count is directly correlated with their level of engagement with the Adwerx platform.

Agents with the Adwerx Automation Platform win 35% more listings.CLICK TO TWEET

How Does Adwerx Help Me Grow My Business?

Listings advertising is one of the most powerful ways agents can communicate their expertise. They demonstrate their localized geographic knowledge, success as an agent, and savvy as a marketer.

Advertising your listings with Adwerx is like having a magical yard sign. Magic because instead of requiring people to live near the listing or drive by the sign to see it, it pops up in front of potential buyers as soon as they start their home search. With all listings automatically advertised, agents maximize their exposure to people important to their business. The ads serve as a powerful digital complement to traditional marketing. That’s why Adwerx is already automating listing advertising for over 25% of the Swanepoel Mega 1000 brokerages.

Adwerx also serves as a powerful differentiator in listing presentations. In 2020, sellers expect that their agents will understand how to advertise their listing online. With Adwerx, agents can confidently tell sellers that they’ll marketing their home on the web and social media using behavioral and geographical targeting. On top of that they can provide them updates on performance. Most agents are aware that a large part of marketing is done to satisfy sellers.

Top producers winning 51+ listings per year gain an additional 10 listings with Adwerx automated advertising.CLICK TO TWEET

Impact of Entering the Seller’s Email Address Into Your Adwerx Ad Campaign:

After seeing the positive results of automated listing advertising in their study, T3 Sixty dove deeper into their data to better understand how the Adwerx platform contributed to agents’ improved productivity. They discovered that engagement with the Adwerx platform was a significant factor. Comparing agents who received Adwerx Automated Listing Ads, those who entered their sellers’ email addresses in their campaigns had an improved listing count to those who didn’t.

It all comes down to seller satisfaction and referrals. According to the National Association of REALTORS® 2019 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, “client referrals and repeat business were the predominant ways sellers found their real estate agent”. When the email is entered in an agent’s listing ad campaign, the seller then receives performance reports on their ads and are included into the campaign so they see their own home advertised online – a phenomenon Adwerx refers to as “the magic moment”. Seeing the results of their agent’s marketing, boosts confidence in their agent’s efforts and ability, which can lead to increased seller satisfaction and higher rate of referrals.

Wrapping Up:

For agents to keep pace in today’s competitive environment, they need to have a differentiator. As a broker, you can support your agents by providing them with programs and services to help set them apart when they’re in a listing presentation. Plus, automation presents a viable solution that eliminates traditional barriers to adoption. With the Adwerx Automation Platform, brokerages and agents can target the critical elements of their business with a modern, intuitive service with proven ROI.

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