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Thought Leadership
October 10, 2024

Adwerx Rate Drop Checklist: Grow Your Real Estate Business

Mortgage rates have finally dropped, creating a prime opportunity for real estate agents to reconnect with potential buyers, revitalize listings, and maximize their business growth. With rates at their lowest in 18 months, now is the time to act. To help you make the most of this market shift, we’ve put together a comprehensive Rate Drop Checklist designed to extend your prime selling season and help you capture new clients into the fall.

1. Reconnect with Potential Buyers

As mortgage rates have decreased, now is the perfect time to re-engage with potential buyers who may have been previously priced out. Many in your network could now find it easier to afford a home, so it’s essential to let them know about this opportunity.

  • Send targeted email campaigns to clients who paused their home search due to high rates. Include messaging around how the rate drop could make their home-buying dreams a reality.
  • Utilize your social media channels to share market updates and helpful information. By sharing news of the rate drop across platforms, you increase your chances of catching the eye of potential buyers.
  • Run digital ads to get your message in front of a wider audience. Using tools like Adwerx’s Sphere Ads, you can target people within your network and beyond who are actively looking for real estate opportunities.

Pro Tip: Create a Sphere Ad with Adwerx to target potential buyers directly in your referral network and stay top-of-mind as they start their home search.

2. Revitalize Your Listings

With increased buyer interest, now is the time to give your listings new life. Aging or underperforming listings can be revitalized with engaging content, drawing more attention and generating fresh inquiries.

  • Create high-quality video ads showcasing the best features of your properties. Video content consistently performs better than static images, helping you stand out in a crowded market.
  • Update your listings with the most recent information and attractive offers, especially those that highlight the benefits of the new rates. Buyers are often drawn to updated listings that feel relevant and current.
  • Boost visibility of older listings by promoting them through targeted advertising. A small investment in digital ads can help ensure your properties reach a wider audience of motivated buyers.

Ready to make a splash? Create a Video Listing Ad with Adwerx to showcase your listings and reach potential buyers where they spend their time online.

3. Maximize Your Online Presence

Now more than ever, home buyers are researching and making decisions online. To take full advantage of the rate drop, it’s important to ensure your online presence is robust and visible.

  • Leverage targeted ads to reach people who are more likely to move. Adwerx’s automated platform helps you advertise across premium websites, Facebook and Instagram, ensuring you’re visible where your audience spends time.
  • Invest in local advertising to reach buyers in your target area. By advertising in your local zip codes, you can connect with people searching for homes in your region.
  • Enhance your social media strategy by posting regularly, sharing market updates, and promoting your listings to your followers.

Expand your reach: Advertise in your local zip codes with Adwerx and find motivated buyers online.

4. Stay Visible During Fall Activities

As the season changes, your potential clients will be out and about, engaging in various fall activities. Maintaining visibility during this time is crucial, as it allows you to stay top-of-mind.

  • Take advantage of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) technology to display your ads in high-traffic areas. Whether it’s a billboard, shopping mall display, or even on digital screens in gyms, this strategy ensures your ads are seen wherever your audience goes.
  • Attend local fall events in person to network and engage with your community. By being physically present at festivals, charity runs, or farmers' markets, you can build relationships, increase word-of-mouth referrals, and remind people you're an active and accessible real estate professional in their area.

Want to stay top of mind? Learn more about Digital Out-of-Home ads and keep your brand visible during the busy fall season.

Take Advantage of the Rate Drop to Grow Your Business

With mortgage rates at their lowest in months, the market is full of opportunity. By following this Rate Drop Checklist, you can extend your selling season, generate more leads, and close more deals. Use this moment to reconnect with buyers, refresh your listings, and boost your online visibility to make the most of the current market.

Ready to get started? See all that Adwerx has to offer and launch your campaign today.

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