Adwerx Helps Real Estate Agents Win More Listings
Real estate agents using Adwerx Automated Listing Ads win 35% more listings
T3 Sixty’s Analysis of Adwerx Listing Data reveals agents using Adwerx are more productive
listings for agents who received Adwerx Automated Listing Ads vs. agents who did not
additional listings per year for Top Producers
*In a statistically significant study that examined more than 30,000 agents over a two year period, agents who received automated listing ads from their broker via the Adwerx Platform saw a lift in year-over-year productivity of 35% versus their peers.

Based on this analysis, Adwerx appears to be an effective tool in helping agents grow their listing business. An improvement of over one in year-over-year listing count certainly suggests that Adwerx plays a role in agents improving their listing count performance.