Getting Started with Adwerx Enterprise Solutions for Real Estate
Delight sellers and win more listings
Your brokerage cares about its agents. That’s why they’ve provided a digital advertising program through Adwerx™, enabling you to grow your personal brand in your farming areas, impress your sellers and generate more referrals. Learn more about the program available to you below.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the program?
Adwerx will be launching personalized advertising that features your name, photo and contact information. The ads are fully brand-compliant and approved by your firm’s compliance team. The ad campaign will be promoted on Facebook, Instagram, mobile apps and top websites, targeting local prospects.
For Listing Automation:
New listings will automatically receive a listing campaign, brought to you by your firm and Adwerx. The ad campaign will promote the listing on Facebook, Instagram, mobile apps and top websites, targeting potential home buyers local to the listing's address.
When a new listing is detected, Adwerx will create an account for you so that you are able to view reporting, manage your ad campaign (if desired) and add your seller’s contact information so that the seller receives a report from Adwerx showing how you are going above-and-beyond to promote their home. By adding the seller’s information, the seller also becomes more likely to see the ad for their home as they browse the web and use social media - increasing seller satisfaction.
Why are we doing this?
By launching digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and top websites, you’ll reach potential clients where they’re spending their time: online.
Plus, by providing your clients with digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram and top websites for their homes, your firm will continue to differentiate itself from competitors and demonstrate the value you bring to the home selling process. As a real estate agent, you have the responsibility to your listing clients to provide the best marketing for their homes. Your firm wants to provide a system for you to make digital advertising so easy that it can happen for every property you sell. This program provides a way to experience this service with no work required at all on your part.
How will this impact my listings?
Each property that is newly listed during the program will be automatically opted into the digital advertising program. The ads will be automatically created from information that your firm provides to Adwerx. Each listing will then be advertised on Facebook and top websites for a period of time, targeting home buyers around the property. When a home buyer clicks on the ad, they will be directed to your listings detail page.
What do I need to do?
This is the best part, nothing! This program will automatically run for all of your new listings. An account at Adwerx will be automatically created for you (if you don’t already have one) and you will receive an email confirmation each time an ad is created for one of your listings. From this email, you can manage the ad campaign, including canceling the ad if you so choose. The one step that is highly recommended is that you enter the seller's information so they can see the ad.
Can I add more than one seller?
Absolutely. You may enter as many individuals as you like. Many agents choose to include the family in the targeting (spouses, children, etc).
What will this program cost me?
Your firm is covering the cost for the automatically generated listing ads during the program.
How do I set up my account with Adwerx?
If you have any automatically created listing ads, an account will automatically be created so you can make any edits to those ads. You can also always create an account by making your first purchase on your Adwerx portal.
What if I am already working with Adwerx?
If you already have an Adwerx account, the listing ads will be automatically created in that account. There is nothing additional needed in order to participate in this program.
What happens when my free advertising time is up?
You will receive a final report at the end of the campaign, at which time you may choose to extend that listing ad using your own marketing budget for a period of 1-5 weeks.
How do I get more exposure?
In addition to advertising listings, Adwerx provides other products for you. You can learn more about those products here:
Ads for your sphere of influence
Will I be able to edit or cancel the ads?
Yes, you will have complete control after the listing ads are automatically created to edit or cancel the ads. You will receive an email confirmation when an ad is created that includes links to manage your ad campaign. For listings that sell before the campaign is completed, we recommend making the ad a ‘Just Sold’ advertisement.
What are examples of “top websites” where the ads will run?
Adwerx ads run on Facebook, Instagram, and hundreds of sites around the web, such as the NY Times, Yahoo, CNN, YouTube, ESPN, LinkedIn, and many more. To view a larger list of example websites, please go here.
If I update the listing in my MLS, will my ad automatically update?
It will not. If your listing has a price reduction, goes pending, or sells, you need to manually change the price, or add a just sold flag.
Where can I learn more?
You can email us at or call us at 888-746-5678 (M-F, 9:00 am–5:00 pm Eastern Time). Live chat is also available on your portal.