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Thought Leadership
October 25, 2024

Adwerx is not lead generation

When we talk to our customers — real estate agents just like you — it’s only a matter of time before we get the question, “Is Adwerx for lead generation?”

It’s a very reasonable question, but in a word, no. Adwerx is not a lead generation platform. Here’s why.

If you do a Google search for “lead generation for real estate,” guess how many results you’ll find? Over one million. You don’t have to be an industry expert to know that lead generation is a big deal. And some real estate agents believe it’s the only thing that matters.

Inman defines a lead as “the name and contact information for someone who is potentially a future client.” And generating a lead is the act of getting that name in whatever way works for you. Email signups. Business card raffles. Meet and greets.

Lead generation is critical for real estate agents. But there is another aspect to marketing that starts before that email sign-up form is completed. Before the voicemail is left. Before the business cards are exchanged.

That step is called brand awareness. Adwerx is brand awareness for real estate agents, listings and firms. 70% of home sellers hire the first agent they talk to. Brand awareness is how you stay top of mind when that moment strikes.

Here are three tips marketing pros know about brand awareness… and now you do, too.

  1. Get your name out there. Write blog posts for neighborhood newsletters. Put business cards in laundromats. Anytime folks see your name and your brand, they are becoming aware, even if they aren’t actively looking to sell.
  2. Be consistent. Try to use the same colors and fonts in your ads, whether print or digital. Use the same photo or wear the same jacket in your photos. Anything to be more memorable.
  3. Recognition equals trust. 52% of millennials said that finding brands they can trust is critical. The more people see your brand, they more they know you are here to stay.

While Adwerx isn’t a lead generation platform, it is a brand awareness platform. Brand awareness and lead generation are tandem marketing efforts for real estate agents looking to find new clients in their local markets. It’s all about feeding that funnel, and Adwerx for real estate is ready to help.

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