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Thought Leadership
June 20, 2024

Engel & Völkers CEO on marketing automation for real estate

“We spend 85% of our time on technical or transactional work and only 15% on the work that matter most — our relationships,” shared Engel & Völkers CEO Anthony Hitt on stage at the EVUSA Exchange event in Dallas. “Let’s change that!”

So how do you offload the work that keeps you from the relationships?

The answer is automation. And Adwerx can help in three ways:

1. Stay in front of your sphere.

The people you already have a relationship with — your sphere of influence —  send you most of your business. And nurturing your sphere can be a time-consuming activity. Ads for your sphere are simple to set up and help you stay top of mind with the folks you know. The digital ads show up on web sites they use all the time as well, as their Facebook feed about once a day, and remind them (a) you are an agent they trust and (b) you are ready for referrals or repeat business.

Learn more about sphere advertising.

2. Prospect in the areas that matter most to you.

Adwerx brand ads put your ad in front of potential buyers and sellers in the ZIP codes you select. Then Adwerx finds people who are thinking about real estate and already doing research: maybe they are on the portals or using mortgage calculators. We show them your ad as often as we can to create that top of mind brand awareness.

Learn more about ZIP-based brand ads.

3. Promote your listings and please your sellers.

Sellers want to know you are actively marketing their home. Adwerx listing ads put those properties on major web sites in the areas you select — either a 15 miles radius or specific cities. Then your seller gets a daily report on the digital activity.

Learn more about listing ads.

Once you automate the tasks you don’t have to do, you can spend more time on what Anthony Hitt calls “the business of building your business.”

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