Newspaper advertising for real estate
Newspaper advertising for real estate might not be the first thing you think of when getting the word out about your business.
After all, you’re reading this on a laptop or mobile device, and you’ve probably gotten all your news for the day and completed most of your tasks on those same devices.
However, newspaper advertising for real estate still offers value to you as a REALTOR, and you just have to know how to use it.
The fine print on print advertising
Currently, newspaper ads have a specific place in the real estate market, and that place is worth investigating.
- By the buying numbers. Nearly 90 percent of buyers report using some sort of online resource during their house hunt; by contrast, fewer than 25 percent report using print newspaper advertisements.
- That doesn’t make newspaper yesterday’s news. Can you afford to skip 25% of home buyers in your real estate business? Can any real estate agent? Of course not. However, times are clearly changing, and that includes the way we use newspaper ads to gain maximum exposure.
- Know how it works, and make it work for you. The goal of newspaper advertising is no longer to showcase one listing. Experts note that the focus is now on name recognition and brand building for a firm or real estate agent. From there, the aim is to move prospects to action with contact information, so keep this in mind when designing your ad. Â
Getting Started
So now you know how you should use newspaper advertising for real estate, but how do you get started? Here are some quick tips to help you along:
- Location, location, location – again. Consider your audience and area of real estate operations. Is there a popular local paper? That might be a gateway to an attentive local audience, and eventually local customers.  As a bonus, newspaper advertising tends to be incredibly cost effective, so remember that research is your best friend.
- Consistency is key. When designing your newspaper ad, make sure you’re consistent with the rest of your marketing (digital ads, website) aesthetic. Don’t forget a picture and contact information – people want to know who you are and how to get in touch with you.
- Get emotional. People have a shorter attention span than they used to. Avoid the “TL;DR” syndrome (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”) and go right for your audience’s emotions. If you focus on helping empty nesters adjust, making new homeowners feel comfortable, or being there for a family as they grow, make that known. Once the reader’s feelings have been evoked, the call to action (e.g. contacting you) is the next logical step.
These tips should get you started, but there many more aspects to marketing real estate. But Adwerx has your back. We make digital advertising for real estate brilliantly simple.