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How many impressions should I purchase for my video ad campaign?

When planning your video ad campaign with Adwerx, it's important to optimize the number of impressions to maximize your reach and effectiveness. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you determine the right amount of impressions for your campaign.

Targeting Your Sphere of Influence

For video campaigns targeting your sphere of influence audience, we recommend aiming for 2 impressions per contact per week. This frequency helps ensure that your message is seen multiple times, increasing engagement and recall.

Ideal and Minimum Audience Sizes

For optimal results, we recommend having 500+ contacts in your list. A contact list of this size provides a robust audience to effectively distribute your impressions.

While the realistic minimum number of contacts is 250, our system allows campaigns to run with as few as 100 contacts. However, running a campaign with such a small list is generally not recommended due to potential delivery issues.

If your contact list has fewer than 250 contacts, you might experience a significant reduction in delivery—up to 66% less than current averages. This is due to the smaller audience size, which can impact the effectiveness of your impressions.

Note: The quality of your contact list plays a crucial role in delivery. If we receive a high match rate with your list, we can typically deliver the recommended impressions. However, if the list quality is poor, delivery might fall short of expectations. To ensure your list quality is as high as possible, make sure the contact information you upload is up-to-date. 

Targeting Your Local Area

When setting up your campaign using geographic targeting, there are a few additional considerations to ensure that your impressions are delivered effectively. We recommend using the size and population density of the geographic area to guide your impression count.

Recommended Radius by Area Type

  • Urban Areas: For densely populated urban areas (e.g., New York City, Seattle), we recommend a radius of 5-15 miles. In very urban settings, a 5-mile radius is often sufficient; otherwise, consider a 10-mile radius.
  • Suburban Areas: In suburban areas, a radius of 15-25 miles is generally appropriate. On average, a 15-mile radius works well.
  • Rural Areas: For rural regions, a radius of 20-35 miles is recommended, with an average of 25 miles.

Regarding the exact number of impressions you choose, as long as there is sufficient population density, we will deliver the impressions you select. However, in rural areas, it’s advisable to lower the number of impressions and increase the radius to meet expectations effectively.

Note: If the target area you’ve selected is too small, the system will display an error message. You’ll need to increase your radius or add more zip codes to proceed.

By adhering to these geo-impression recommendations, you can better tailor your campaign to your target areas and ensure the effective delivery of your video ads. For additional assistance or questions, feel free to contact our support team.

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